Course Catalog 2021-2022 [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
ART 298 - Personal Photography Projects In this course you will use the fundamentals of photography, and better understand how to digitally edit, sequence, and critique your work. Through the course you will build a personal project with a culminating portfolio of final images and a project statement. You will study aspects of photographic history and begin to define your individual voice as an artist. We will discuss roles and responsibilities of photographers, as it relates to social justice, working in affected communities and understanding lived experience as unique and important. Assignments will be given in order to challenge how you think about and make pictures both technically and conceptually. Class time will be dedicated to slide lectures and discussions, group critiques, recorded artist talks, demos, peer editing, and supervised work time.
Prior experience with photography recommended but not required. Beginners and non-art majors welcome!
Credits 1
Notes Materials: a digital camera with manual settings (a phone can be used if necessary), Adobe Photoshop, Bridge (Adobe Creative Suite will be offered for free for all students enrolled in the class)