Dec 21, 2024
Undergraduate College Catalog 2024-2025
EDUC 230 - Teaching Multilingual Learners Teaching Multilingual Learners is a required course for all education majors. The course explores theories of second language acquisition and program models for English language teaching for students at all levels, preschool to adults. The course prepares Pre-K through grade 12 teachers to meet the needs of non-native speakers in the classroom, and prepares individuals who may want to teach English overseas. Students will examine how language is acquired and how to best engage multilingual learners as full participants in subject matter classrooms. Models such as sheltered instruction, bilingual education, and language immersion will be explored. Since Wheaton education majors receive their initial teaching license from the state of Massachusetts, EDUC 230 will follow the MA Curriculum Framework for English Language Teaching, integrating state curriculum for ELL and SEI (Sheltered Language Immersion) requirements into course content. In accordance with MA guidelines, the Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) will be a major focus of study. Attention will also be given to how sociocultural, emotional, and economic factors influence multilingual learners’ access to schooling and achievement.
Credits 4
Area Social Sciences
Division Social Sciences
Compass Attributes Social Science